End Game: Trump Russia Pieces Falling Into Place: How He Sold Out to Kremlin

Donald Trump’s Russia gambit is facing its denouement. Although investigations probing his connections to the Kremlin are still underway, enough circumstantial evidence has been revealed to finally piece together a plausible scenario for collusion and criminal behavior. Although the following is just one theory, there’s no question the end game is at hand for the president and his Russian cronies, including Vladimir Putin....

Syria Shock: How Putin Played Trump and Why He’s Threat to National Security

Donald Trump has long been played on Syria by Russian President Vladimir Putin, leading up to the latest atrocity this week by the Assad regime. The brutal attack makes clear the nation’s national security is at risk as long as the President stonewalls on his Kremlin ties. Trump quickly blamed former President Obama for the tragedy, but his explanation was another transparent attempt to deflect responsibility....

Russia Mole: Trump Campaign Manager Worked Secretly for Vladimir Putin

President Donald Trump’s ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin deepened today (Mar. 22) following a new revelation that former campaign manager Paul Manafort worked secretly for Putin in apparent violation of the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act. Manafort allegedly crafted an ambitious political campaign to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, Western Europe and the United States, The Associated Press reported....

Closing In: Trump Presidency Leaking as Storm Over Russia Scandal Intensifies

resident Trump is only a month into his administration and the ship of state is already sinking, not just because its captain is steering it right into an iceberg that everyone, but him, plainly sees. He has a bigger problem on his hands, the storm growing over his Russia scandal. As much as the president refuses to see, or acknowledge it, the scandal is being fueled by leaks on all sides that are doing more damage than the approaching iceberg. ...

Flynn Flam: National Security Adviser Resigns, Raises New Russia Questions

Donald Trump’s national security adviser Mike Flynn is the first casualty of the Trump campaign’s dalliance with Russia during the election. His resignation raises new questions about possible collaboration with the Kremlin’s effort to destabilize and influence the 2016 election. Flynn was apparently the Kremlin’s main Trump campaign contact who had several conversations with Russia’s U.S. ambassador during the election and afterward as a member of the transition team....

FBI Sat on Donald Trump Russia Dossier for Weeks Before Election, Brit Spy Says

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had Donald Trump’s Russia dossier in its hands months before the election and failed to investigate the allegations, according to the retired British MI6 agent who compiled the documents. If true, it’s a shocking new level of corruption for the tarnished agency. In a stunning revelation, reported today in British newspapers, ex-MI6 agent Christoper Steele was so disturbed by the information he uncovered on Trump, he passed on his finding to the FBI and to British and American intelligence agencies....
Donald Trump cabinet officials should face contempt charges for ignoring impeachment subpoenas. (Photo: Getty)

Trump Russian Sex Romps Known to ‘Multiple’ Intel Agencies, BBC Reports

Donald Trump’s alleged sex romps in Moscow and St. Petersburg were known to “multiple intelligence sources,” who alleged that more than one episode was captured on both video and audio by the Russians for blackmail purposes, the BBC is reporting. The burgeoning scandal exploded yesterday after a series of documents were published detailing the blackmail operation and close ties between Trump, the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence operatives....

Trump Sex Scandal, Russian Blackmail, Collusion Alleged by Ex-Brit Intel Agent

Donald Trump has been carefully “cultivated” for at least five years by Russian agents who developed extensive ties to Trump’s presidential campaign and collected compromising details about his sexcapades for blackmail purposes, according to controversial memorandum supposedly prepared by an ex-British intelligence agent. The memo, which surfaced publicly for the first time yesterday is detailed and damning. But are the memos true?...
Donald Trump is being sued by Maryland and the District of Columbia for 'unprecedented' corruption involving his company. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

None Dare Call It Treason: Did Trump Collaborate With Russia Election Hacking?

Russia’s release of private Democratic emails only had a major impact on the election because Trump hammered on them in the last hours of the campaign, raising the one question that has yet to be answered by U.S. intelligence agencies. Was Trump actively collaborating with the Russians? U.S. intelligence agencies nailed “with a high degree of certainty” that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta....

Trump Hits Wall on Hack Claims; Russians Cheered His Election, Secret Report Says

Donald Trump’s dissembling over Russian interference in the election has hit a wall. Details from a US intelligence report says high-level Kremlin officials “cheered” his election and considered it a “victory” over the United States. But that’s not all. The report details intercepted messages showing Russian officials discussing the hacking campaign against Democrats, and even identifies Russian officials who authorized third parties to pass stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to reports....

Donald Trump Security Advisor Mike Flynn Under Fire in Russia Hacking Hearing

Donald Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn came under fire during a briefing before the Senate Armed Services Committee for actively spreading “fake news” during the election, a move that could imperil his role in the administration. During today’s hearing, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA, who ran as Hillary Clinton’s vice president, raised questions about Flynn’s role in disseminating fake news....

Trump Presidency Damaged by Russian Hacking; Even Republicans Are Rebelling

Donald Trump’s presidency appears to be severely damaged by the Russian election hacking scandal. Senior Republicans in Congress are now threatening even tougher sanctions against the Kremlin, a clear rejection of Trump’s claims that Russia was not involved. Trump’s credibility sank to a new low yesterday in the wake of sanctions announced by President Obama to punish Russia for meddling in the presidential election....

Obama Slams Russia With New Sanctions for Email Hacks Aiding Trump Election

President Barack Obama today (Dec. 29) slammed Russia with new sanctions in response to its interference in the U.S. presidential election. “All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions,” the president said in a statement. Two Russian intelligence agencies, three companies and four individual intelligence officers with singled out and banned from travel and doing business with U.S. companies an individuals....

Trump Wishes Russian Hacking Scandal Would Go Away, Obama Plans to Hit Back

Donald Trump is still wishing mightily that Russia’s unprecedented tampering with the presidential election would just go away. But President Obama is vowing to take action against the Kremlin amid a looming congressional investigation into the scandal. Obama is expected to reveal today (Dec. 29) the steps he’s taking to retaliate for Russia’s efforts to sway the election in Trump’s favor....