Matt Taibbi, the journalist turned Twitter sleuth, says Jim Jordan and GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill have taken his comments about the Internal Revenue Service out of context...
White Republican make up the overwhelming majority of unvaccinated Americans who are driving red state outbreaks--and deaths, according to recent polling....
Fox News Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have been the biggest purveyors of Russian propaganda (Photos: Gage Skidmore)
Fox News talking head...
Rush Limbaugh portrayed himself as a man of the people on his bombastic, right-wing radio and TV show, but in real life he lived the indulgent life of a pasha....
Tucker Carlson's rant about vaccines was patently racist. (Photo: ScreenCap)
Tucker Carlson is known for spewing sewage in his clever, nightly diatribes, bu...