Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBI Director Hung Out to Dry by Baseless Search Warrant for Clinton Emails

FBI Director James Comey’s bombshell letter upending Hillary Clinton’s election campaign not only violated Justice Department protocols, but was based on a search warrant that was baseless and possibly illegal, according to a lawyer who obtained the documents. Los Angeles lawyer Randy Schoenberg, who made the request, said he was “appalled” by the search warrant and the FBI’s actions....

FBI Election Dirty Tricks More Serious, Less Scrutinized Than Russian Hacking

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) unprecedented level of election dirty tricks is getting far less scrutiny from the media and lawmakers than the Russian email hacking scandal, even though the rogue agency poses a more serious threat to nation. The nation’s premiere law enforcement agency is supposed to be non-partisan and above politics. But it was anything but in the presidential election....