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  • Donald Trump has hit historic lows in polling(Photo: Getty)
    Donald Trump has hit historic lows in polling (Photo: Getty)

    Donald Trump and his administration will go down in ignominy in history.

    He once called himself the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln and even saw himself on Mount Rushmore.

    But he is leaving office with the lowest poll numbers of any president in history.

    Public opinion is “souring quickly” and falling fast as more information comes out about the Capitol riot that led to six deaths, according to a leading pollster.

    “Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency,” wrote Nate Silver.

    Silver, who heads FiveThirtyEight, a poll tracking service, only 39.4 percent of those polled approve of Trump’s job. A majority, 56.3 percent disapprove, a 16.8 point gap and a swing of 6.5 percent in just eight days.

    “That’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded,” Silver noted.

    Trump has only come close on three other occasions, when he issued executive orders to start building the Mexican wall and block Muslims from entering the United States and when Congress tried to overturn ObamaCare.

    Of significance, the latest figures suggest that he is now losing support among his party base and swing voters. His approval rating among Democrats is “already abysmal.”

    Trump’s net approval rating (those who approve minus those who don’t) is a +51 points among Republicans, but a -35 points among independents.

    Both numbers are down 15 points among both groups just since December. His net rating was a +80 among GOP voters earlier in the month.

    “There is also evidence of Trump’s image suffering in polling on impeachment and whether he should be removed from office,” Silver state.

    In his second impeachment, 53 percent of Americans support his removal from office and 42 percent oppose, a net spread of +11 points.

    During his first impeachment the net spread was never greater +4 in late 2019 and early 2020.

    In another surprise finding more Republicans now believe he should be impeached. The first time around, less than 10 percent wanted to see him impeached. Now 15 percent believe he should be removed from office.

    “As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in the last couple of months in office,” Silver writes.

    “Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular.”

    Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and even George H.W. Bush, the last one-term president, all saw their popularity rise as they left office.

    Among other notable findings, as Trump closes out his administration, 81 percent of those answering a Morning Consult poll said the country was on the wrong track–the worst in Trump’s administration.

    In the wake of the Capitol riot, 69 percent of Americans think white supremacists are a very serious problem (52 percent) or a serious problem (17 percent), according to a YouGov poll.

    Republicans polled are far less concerned. Only 44 percent called white supremacists a serious problem, while 49 percent said they weren’t.

    Although the COVID-19 vaccine has become a political football, much like mask wearing, 65 percent of those polled by Gallup would agree to be vaccinated.

    By political party, 85 percent of Democrats, 45 percent of Republicans and 59 percent of Independents would agree to be vaccinated with an FDA-approved vaccine.