Rich Got Richer While Half the Nation Saw Wealth Decline to 1 Percent, Study Says

If you’re poor in American you are not alone. Over the past 24 years, 50 percent of the nation saw their share of wealth fall to just 1 percent, while America’s richest families saw their wealth grow significantly, according to a new study. The findings confirm that a significant portion of society has been disenfranchised from the economy. The findings, contained in a study by the Savings and Retirement Foundation of Washington, D.C., and published by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) does not bode well for the nation....

Obamacare Repeal Without Replacement Would Be a Death Sentence for Millions

Repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one thing, coming up with a replacement is another. More than 20 million people are currently twisting in the wind, according to a new report. It predicts a “death spiral” of rising uninsured and skyrocketing premium costs, if Republicans kill Obamacare. The Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump, at least for the moment, have been unable to come up with a “better, more affordable” alternative as they’ve promised....