
Donald Trump is being sued by Maryland and the District of Columbia for 'unprecedented' corruption involving his company. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Donald Trump Engaging in ‘Unprecedented Constitutional Violations’ AGs Charge

Donald Trump is engaging in “unprecedented constitutional violations” of the U.S, Constitution for accepting millions of dollars from foreign governments through his various business entities, of which he’s never relinquished his interest, according to a lawsuit filed by Maryland and the District of Columbia. The lawsuit presents the first major challenge over alleged Trump corruption under the emoluments clause of the Constitution....

Trump Mexico Wall Likely to Cost Triple Estimates by President, Congress

Donald Trump is intent on pursing his pipe dream of a major wall along the Mexican border, but the project is likely to become a major boondoggle, with costs as high as triple the estimates by the administration and Republican leaders in Congress–all paid for by U.S. taxpayers. The issue surfaced today (Jan. 26) after Trump signed an executive order authorizing construction at the same time Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto categorically rejected any suggestion Mexico will pay for construction....

Betsy DeVos Clueless on Policies She’ll Oversee as Trump Education Secretary

Betsy DeVos, the billionaire businesswoman Donald Trump has picked as Education Secretary, proved to be remarkably clueless about federal education policy during a Senate confirmation hearing and flunked a key question about her position on allowing guns in schools. DeVos is best known as the chairwoman of the Windquest Group, a private investment firm. She has never spent a day much less a career teaching in the nation’s public schools and educated her children at private schools....