Dolenz Album

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Micky Dolenz Showcases Distinctive Rock Voice at B.B. King's (video)

Micky Dolenz, riding a newfound wave of popularity since his Monkee days, headlined a show at New York’s landmark B.B. King Bar and Grill that ranged from favorites like “I’m a Believer” to songs from his new album Remember. Dolenz, a multi-talented child actor, vaulted to pop culture icon with his two-year stint on ’60s comedy show “The Monkees,” about the antics of a band based on The Beatles. The show’s stars Dolenz, Peter Tork, Michael Nesmith and Davy Jones were all musicians in their own right, and The Monkees became a musical force all its own after the show ended. Dolenz has remained active ever since, either as a Monkee in reunion tours or with his own band. Last night it included Wayne Avers, Dave Alexander, Rich Dart, Coco and David Billings....
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Monkee Micky Dolenz Drops Song From Upcoming Album (Listen!)

Monkees singer Micky Dolenz has dropped a track from his upcoming album Remember. Titled “Randy Scouse Git,” it’s the first song he ever wrote that made it onto the charts in 1967. Bandmate Peter Tork calls it one of his favorite Monkees songs. Dolenz, 67, wrote the song after a party the Beatles threw for Monkees band members, which also included lead singer Davy Jones and guitarist Michael Nesmith. The song was also featured on “The Monkees” tv show and was originally a track on the band’s album Headquarters....
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Micky Dolenz Still Monkee-ing Around 46 Years After TV Show

Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Davy Jones and Mike Nesmith, known collectively as The Monkees, made their television debut 46 years ago this month (Sept. 12). The made-for-TV band’s show lasted two years, but their music career still lives on today. Dolenz characterized the band’s improbable success in an interview this year: “The Monkees really becoming a band was like the equivalent of Leonard Nimoy really becoming a Vulcan,” he said. Micky is still going strong with a reunion tour and new album on tap. ...