Election 2016

A voter casts a ballot in the key swing state of Ohio. (Photo by Ty Wright/Getty Images)

Donald Trump’s Darkest Election Legacy May Be Lasting Distrust of Voting Process

Donald Trump’s claims about a “rigged election” may be one of the darkest legacies of his presidential campaign. When citizens, by and large, can not trust the voting process by which leaders are elected, the very foundation of our democracy is threatened with collapse. Trump’s vote fraud claims, which continue to roil two weeks after the election, are a case study in the dangers of irresponsible campaign rhetoric....

Why Jill Stein’s Recount Matters; Donald Trump Has No One to Blame But Himself

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate who probably cost Hillary Clinton the election, is now trying to redeem herself by organizing recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Donald Trump is protesting, naturally, but he has no one to blame but himself. Trump is the projected winner in all three states, although Michigan’s final tally is still out. Clinton needs to overturn the results in all three states to win the Electoral College, which votes for president on Dec. 19....

Julian Assange Begs Trump for Pardon as Nation’s Top Spy Fingers Wikileaks

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is wanted in the United States on espionage charges, has made a formal request for a pardon from incoming president Donald Trump. Is this the political payoff he was hoping for? The effort comes as the the nation’s top spy, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, went public with charges that Wikileaks disseminated private Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee emails hacked by an unnamed “nation-state.” (read Russia)....

The Trump Syndrome: A Disaffected Voter Weighs In on New Post-Election Zeitgeist

If, like me, you have a twisted, acidic, contempt-filled knot in your stomach over the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, don’t panic. It’s a normal reaction to a sexist, misogynistic megalomaniacal con man winning the highest office in the land. Call it the “Trump Syndrome.” You obviously have the foresight to recognize what we’re in for, for at least the next four years, if not much, much longer....