Donald Trump has been materially damaged by his Impeachment following John Bolton’s revelations about the president’s role in the Ukraine scandal, and it only looks to get worse for the GOP. ...
Donald Trump and his lap dogs in and out of Congress are doing their utmost to lay waste to the institutions that underpin our democracy. The most troubling of all has to be the stentorian dipshit and unapologetic traitor Devin Nunes. ...
Repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one thing, coming up with a replacement is another. More than 20 million people are currently twisting in the wind, according to a new report. It predicts a “death spiral” of rising uninsured and skyrocketing premium costs, if Republicans kill Obamacare. The Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump, at least for the moment, have been unable to come up with a “better, more affordable” alternative as they’ve promised....
Donald Trump confirmed that Melania and their 10-year-old son Barron will not join him immediately at the White House (if ever). Trump did not specify a time when the arrangement would change, setting the stage for another unprecedented moment in the nation’s history. No other president has resided in the White House without his wife going back to the founding of the country. ...
Rudy Giuliani, a vocal critic of former Hillary Clinton’s multi-million dollar haul from fat-cat speaking fees, was feeding at the same trough of corporate largess reserved for former politicians. Conflicts of interest abound now that he’s being considered for a cabinet position. Giuliani claimed he was broke with $7,100 to his name following his bitter 2002 divorce from second wife Donna Hanover. He's a member of the one percent now. ...