Paul Ryan

Trump Mexico Wall Likely to Cost Triple Estimates by President, Congress

Donald Trump is intent on pursing his pipe dream of a major wall along the Mexican border, but the project is likely to become a major boondoggle, with costs as high as triple the estimates by the administration and Republican leaders in Congress–all paid for by U.S. taxpayers. The issue surfaced today (Jan. 26) after Trump signed an executive order authorizing construction at the same time Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto categorically rejected any suggestion Mexico will pay for construction....

Imagine Obama Legacy Without GOP Sabotage, And the Disaster That Awaits

As we careen, head-on, toward Jan. 20 like a locomotive with no brakes, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on President Obama’s legacy and wonder what might have been if Republicans in Congress hadn’t sabotaged and obstructed him at every turn without any regard for the nation’s welfare. Obama may have been set up to fail, but he will still go down in history as one of the nation’s great presidents....

How Donald Trump Can Win Over Critics During His First 100 Days in Office

Donald Trump has an ace up his sleeve if he wants to win over critics. He isn’t wedded to Democratic or Republican orthodoxy. That allows him to show his true independence. He’ll get an early test in office to do just that on Obamacare. House Speaker Paul Ryan is determined to repeal Obamacare as the first order of business. Trump should stop him....

Trump Bizarro World Takes Shape Through Lies, Intimidation, Vindictiveness

Donald Trump is already setting a pattern of lies, intimidation and vindictiveness that likely will mark how he’ll operate as chief executive. His administration will be a Bizarro World, where all rules, traditions and protocols no longer apply. In Bizarro World, everything is weirdly inverted or oddly opposite of the real world–an apt metaphor for Trumps’s governing style....