Republican Party

Donald Trump Extremism Opens Door to New Bipartisan Coalition in Congress

Donald Trump’s extremism on everything from torture to immigration policy could be a blessing in disguise. It could lead to the creation of a new bi-partisan coalition in Congress that will act as a check on some of his crazier schemes and policies. The first signs of this nascent coalition have been emerging in the days since his surprise election. ...

Donald Trump Lands World’s Biggest Chick Magnet–the White House–Sans Melania

Donald Trump confirmed that Melania and their 10-year-old son Barron will not join him immediately at the White House (if ever). Trump did not specify a time when the arrangement would change, setting the stage for another unprecedented moment in the nation’s history. No other president has resided in the White House without his wife going back to the founding of the country. ...
Donald Trump cabinet officials should face contempt charges for ignoring impeachment subpoenas. (Photo: Getty)

After Shaky Victory, Donald Trump Now Faces ‘Rigged Election’ Allegations

As Donald Trump’s deficit in the popular vote edges north of 1.5 million votes, the President-elect is now being confronted with election rigging allegations over Republican efforts to suppress Democratic votes, leading to his razor-thin victories in key swing states and the presidential election overall. The election was remarkable on its face, because it cut against almost every poll, which predicted Democrat Hillary Clinton would win key swing states like North Carolina and Florida. But she didn't....
Rudy Giuliani, a mouthpiece for Donald Trump is facing prosecution. (Photo: Getty)

Rudy Giuliani Got Rich Off Fat-Cat Speaking Fees Just Like Hillary Clinton

Rudy Giuliani, a vocal critic of former Hillary Clinton’s multi-million dollar haul from fat-cat speaking fees, was feeding at the same trough of corporate largess reserved for former politicians. Conflicts of interest abound now that he’s being considered for a cabinet position. Giuliani claimed he was broke with $7,100 to his name following his bitter 2002 divorce from second wife Donna Hanover. He's a member of the one percent now. ...