Rich Dart

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Micky Dolenz Showcases Distinctive Rock Voice at B.B. King's (video)

Micky Dolenz, riding a newfound wave of popularity since his Monkee days, headlined a show at New York’s landmark B.B. King Bar and Grill that ranged from favorites like “I’m a Believer” to songs from his new album Remember. Dolenz, a multi-talented child actor, vaulted to pop culture icon with his two-year stint on ’60s comedy show “The Monkees,” about the antics of a band based on The Beatles. The show’s stars Dolenz, Peter Tork, Michael Nesmith and Davy Jones were all musicians in their own right, and The Monkees became a musical force all its own after the show ended. Dolenz has remained active ever since, either as a Monkee in reunion tours or with his own band. Last night it included Wayne Avers, Dave Alexander, Rich Dart, Coco and David Billings....