Donald Trump’s presidency began on a low point and has been sinking deeper ever since, freighted by lies, half-baked policy decisions and gross incompetence. ...
William Barr (left) is falling in line behind the President on Michael Flynn, leading to calls for his resignation. (Photo: ScreenCap)
William Barr, the U.S. Attorney General and Donald Trump henchman, is attacking the U.S. judicial system in a sy...
William Barr, the U.S. Attorney General and Donald Trump henchman, is attacking the U.S. judicial system in a systematic campaign that has shocking parallels to the Nazi Party....
Attorney General William Barr his issued a tantamount declaration of war against the states, but New York’s attorney general is pushing back against the intrusion on state sovereignty....
Attorney General William Barr his issued a tantamount declaration of war against the states, but local attorneys general are pushing back against the intrusion on state sovereignty....
While the coronavirus rips across the country, largely due to Donald Trump’s ineptitude, Attorney General William Barr is quietly asking Congress for police powers that shred the Constitution....
Attorney General William Barr's ability to maintain “public confidence in the fair and impartial administration of justice,” is under fire in a scathing New York City Bar Association letter. ...
Bill Barr has stepped outside the U.S. Attorney General’s traditional role to run political interference for Donald Trump, barreling through Europe, alarming U.S. allies, in a Quixotic quest....
SNL rolled out its biggest guns–Robert De Niro and Alec Baldwin–for a double-barrel blast at Donald Trump over the Robert S. Mueller III investigation in its first cold open marking its return to live television. ...
Donald Trump falsely claimed he “complete and total exoneration” as a result of Robert Mueller’s report on Russian collusion, but he wasn’t off the hook as far as late night comedians were concerned. ...