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  • Actress Ashley Judd, the daughter of country singer Naomi Judd and Michael C. Ciminella, claims in a new bombshell memoir that she was repeatedly raped as a child and suffered deep psychological scars that have taken years to overcome.

    In the memoir, “All That Is Bitter & Sweet,” Judd, 42, says she contemplated suicide as a child because her life was so filled with abuse.

    Judd says she suffered the first of several sexual assaults when she was lured into a vacant storefront by an older man who offered her a quarter to play a pinball machine.

    She was living in Kentucky at the time, where her family had moved after her parents divorced.

    The man allegedly groped her and stuck his tongue in her mouth, she recounts. But no one would believe her when she tried to tell her parents about it.

    She said she was abused by numerous men, including an unnamed family member. She also writes that she was exposed early and inappropriately to sex because of her mother’s affairs.

    Her mother and sister Wynonna became famous as The Judds, which kept them on the road of extensive periods of time.

    They signed a contract with RCA Records in 1983, and The Judds charted 23 hit singles. They also won five Grammy Awards in less than a decade.

    Meanwhile, Ashley said she bounced around between 13 different schools by the time she was 18, and grew up feeling unloved and un­wanted.

    After her parents divorced when Ashley was 4, she began a downward spiral and began to suffer from depression within three years.

    Her mother was single raising two daughters. She had Wynonna when she was 18, and the family was poor initially. Ashley was often left alone for long periods of time.

    Judd entered a program at Shades of Hope Treatment Center in Buffalo Gap, Texas in 2006 and stayed for 47 days to deal with depression and codependency issues.

    She also works as YouthAIDS Global Ambassador and last year she earned a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

    the memoir, which comes out April 5.

    Naomi and Wynonna go on tour again in 30 cities on April 10. The book is available starting Apr. 4.

    Ashley returns to the big screen in the film “Tooth Fairy” this year.