Selena Gomez looks like she had a vampy girls night out judging from a recently posted Twitter photo. Gomez is one of the few Disney girls who has kept her squeaky clean image relatively intact. But she can turn it on when she wants to.
Selena came of age with such Disney stars as Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus, both of whom have had their problems.
While her Disney show, “Wizards of Waverly Place,” never quite matched Miley’s “Hannah Montana” in popularity, Gomez is quickly gaining on her rival in star status, without a lot of uproar in the press.
Miley is still the queen of free-spirited sexuality, and can still raise a ruckus when she acts out because of her large and relatively young fan base.
But that’s changing quickly as she establishes herself as an adult star.
Selena on the other hand, appears to be making the transition to an adult career without a lot of over-the-top hijinks.
Check out Selena’s Twit-pic; click to enlarge!
So far, no camera phone nude photos have leaked a la Vanessa Hudgens, or Blake Lively, and she’s carved out a niche as a fashion trendsetter.
At the New York City Premiere of her new movie, “Monte Carlo,” last month, Selena wore a cornflower blue chiffon plunging gown.
The sleeveless gown had sparkling accents, with a surplice pleated bodice, deep V neckline, and ruched sheer skirt.
Check out her risque Twitter photo!