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  • Taylor Swift tried her hand at rapping accompanied by an acoustic guitar. Call it Hick Hop.

    Taylor Swift tried her hand at rapping accompanied by an acoustic guitar. Call it Hick Hop.

    Taylor Swift proved one thing about rapping, it’s a lot harder than it looks. She sang a cover of Eminem’s 2002 classic “Lose Yourself” during a radio interview on Pittsburgh’s The Danger Show at 94.9 Froggy, and spit what can only be called Hick Hop.

    The 23-year-old singer gave it her best show, but clearly showed a lack of timing and cadence.

    Of course, it would have helped if she had more than an acoustic guitar for accompaniment. As bad as it was, Swift couldn’t help putting a little of herself into the chorus.

    The song was a breakout hit for Em, aka Marshal Mathers, and appeared on the soundtrack for his autobiographical movie, “8 Mile,” the name of his Detroit recording studio.

    She was probably just goofing on it anyway, and a lot of celebrity gossip sites are fawning over her version. She definitely put a lot of gumption into it.

    So give her an “E” for effort. Check out the tune below, let us know your thoughts and follow TheImproper on Twitter for the latest music news.