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  • Move over Fergie. Jennifer Lopez adds some high-powered sexuality to the first solo video by Black Eyed Peas singer will.i.am as he attempts to launch his own career. Oh… Mick Jagger is in it, too!

    The track, “T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)” is a techo rap that features some high-tech transportation and a relatively upbeat message about working harder to get ahead.

    J-Lo surfaces in the 4:44 video about a third of the way through to sing the chorus, “You can go hard, or you can go home.”

    The singer is clearly back at the top of her game, since launching her comeback in a somewhat ill-fitting catsuit on New Year’s Eve in 2010.

    In the Rich Lee-directed video, she writhes and gyrates in a lycra body suit and dances in thigh-high black stockings. Her body looks incredibly toned.

    will.i.am progresses on his journey from running on foot, to a bicycle, a sleek BMW motorcycle, a low-slung sedan and an armored Army troop carrier, a Boeing V-22 Osprey, a bullet train and a high-tech jet fighter. Talk about product placement.

    He ends up on a space ship. Enter Mick Jagger.

    “The (The Hardest Ever)” is the first track from Will’s debut solo album Willpower, due in 2012.

    Check out the video below: