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  • Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been immortalized for real in “Breaking Dawn, Part I,” on DVD and blu-ray. The long awaited discs hit store shelves just in time for Valentine’s Day.

    Summit Entertainment will release the discs on Sat. Feb. 11 to all retailers, who may use the occasion to host midnight release parties. Participating stores will be listed at the movie’s Web site, breakingdawn-themovie.

    Breaking Dawn, the Twilight saga series, will be packaged in a two-disc special edition DVD and a special edition Blu-ray. It’s being released more than a month earlier than previous “Twilight” movie sets, the studio said.

    Check out the Breaking Dawn Special Features

    Two-Disc DVD & Combo
    • 6-part making-of documentary
    • wedding video
    • jacob’s destiny
    • Edward and Jacob fast forward
    • Audio commentary, Director Bill Condon
    • Extended cut movie (Blu-Ray/DVD combo only)

    “We thought the fans would love to spend Valentine’s Day watching Bella and Edward’s wedding and honeymoon. It’s really the most romantic of all the Saga films,” said T.J. Moffett, Summit’s EVP of Home Entertainment Marketing.

    Breaking Dawn Box Office

    Breaking Dawn has earned more than $280 million domestically at the box office. Worldwide the film has grossed $657 million, against a budget of $110 million, according to box office mojo.

    The Two-Disc Special Edition DVD has a suggested retail price of $30.49, while the Single Disc Blu-ray is set at $33.99. Both editions are packed with bonus features, including fast forward features to your favorite Edward and Jacob scenes.

    Other highlights include Bella and Edward’s Wedding Video; audio commentary with director Bill Condon, and a 6-part “Making Of” documentary that goes behind the scenes of the most talked about film of 2011.

    The four in the Twilight series features Bella and Edward’s marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child, who bring down unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella, Edward, the Cullen Clan and werewolf Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner).

    The second and final film in the series, “Breaking Dawn, Part II” will be released in November.