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  • Donald Trump's health has raised red flags after his sudden hospital visit. (Photo: ScreenCap)

    Donald Trump’s health has raised red flags after his sudden hospital visit. (Photo: ScreenCap)

    Donald Trump’s health has been a mystery that the president has worked hard to cover up, starting with the 2016 election right up until his sudden Nov. 16 hospital visit.

    Trump will turn 74 in June, which is reason enough to raise questions about his health. Beyond that, he is obese–perhaps morbidly so–and looks bloated, a clear sign of heart disease.

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    “We know that Trump is 73 years old, has heart disease and is clinically obese,” says Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who spoke to doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

    “For any man of that age and medical history, an unexpected visit to the hospital is concerning,” Gupta said.

    Dr. David Scheiner, who tended to former President Obama, also raised questions about the visit. calling that idea it was routine “obviously ridiculous.”

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    “It’s something that needed to be tended to quickly, but not quite an emergency,” he told Inside Edition.

    That fact is, Trump’s “medical history” has been a mystery wrapped in fraud.

    His 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton, was attacked mercilessly by Trump, right-wing media, Fox News and conspiracy theorists who claimed she was too ill to be president. Clinton, of course, is as strong and as active as ever.

    She released a full medical report from her doctor, detailing all of her medical conditions. Trump, on the other hand, released a one-page letter signed by Harold Bornstein, his doctor of 35 years.

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    It stated that, if elected, he would “be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

    But last May, Bornstein revealed that the letter was dictated by Trump and was not based on any medical evaluation.

    “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter. I just made it up as I went along,’ he told CNN outside his Park Avenue office.

    The revelation raised a thorny legal question whether the president, and or Bornstein, committed fraud when he released the letter and represented it as the opinion of his doctor.

    The letter was called into question at the time because of it was unprofessional.

    In another shocking revelation, Former “Apprentice” and NBC staffer Noel Casler, who is now doing stand up comedy, revealed during one of his routines that Trump is a “speed freak” who crushes up Adderall and snorts it because of nervousness and difficulty reading.

    The fact the he is a long-term habitual abuser of the stimulant Adderall raises new concerns about his mental and physical condition.

    Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, called the visit a “routine, planned interim checkup as part of the regular, primary preventative care he receives throughout the year.”

    Conley added that it was kept off Trump’s public schedule due to uncertainties, according to a memo he released.

    But Gupta said a routine physical could have been done at the White House instead, which has full medical facilities.

    Annual exams typically aren’t done less than a year apart “unless there is a concern about something,” he added.

    Trump’s last physical was in February. The reason for the 12-month wait is to “better assess the impact of medication and lifestyle changes over a consistent interval of time,” he explained.

    Unlike his two previous exams, the “surprise” exam was unscheduled and caught hospital staff by surprise.

    Trump was caught on video being hustled to a black SUV for the ride to the hospital, accompanied by his personal physician. He had a manila envelope pinned to his jacket and his shirt collar was open. (See below)

    Even the fact that he took a motorcade to the hospital raised question. Trump typically flies via helicopter, but that could be risky for someone suffering from heart or breathing problems.

    Since the visit, Trump has not returned to work in the Oval Office, choosing instead to work out of the personal residence.

    Getting information about Trump’s health is only second in difficulty to getting is tax returns. Not surprisingly, every president before Trump has made health records public.