Mariah Carey (right) poses with business manager Stella Stolper who is the subject of a scathing lawsuit. (Photo: Instagram)
Mariah Carey ex-business manager Stella Stolper, who fell out with the superstar and accused her of sexual harassment, is facing her own sexually charged allegations in an explosive lawsuit filed by her own cousin.
It claims Stolper engaged in sexually depraved acts with employees. They include forcing them to smell her vagina and pee play with an assistant. She also allegedly flashed her breasts around the office.
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The cousin, Zarina Burbacki, is a lawyer who also worked for the singer until last May. Burbacki claims Stolper “poisoned the well” between her and Mariah Carey leading to her dismissal. She also claims Stolper withheld money from her.
Stolper, however, claims Burbacki was fired for hiding up to $5 million of Carey’s money in a secret bank account. Stolper also says Burbacki bad-mouthed her and lied about the money.
The latest allegations are contained in court papers filed on Tuesday (Mar. 5), copies of which were obtained by London’s Daily Mail, which broke the story.
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Stolper allegedly created a hostile work environment that subjected staffers to humiliating treatment, the court papers state.
Burbacki called Stolper’s workplace behavior “perverse, pervasive, and severe.”
The erstwhile business manager “constantly” screamed obscenities at staffers and used racial and ethnic slurs when talking to them. They include “white dog shit,” “fuckking Israelis,” “fucking Jews,” ‘Armenian terrorist” and “Armenian whore.”
She also frequently used the N-word, homophobic slurs and other insults, the court papers claim.
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On one occasion, she allegedly asked staffer to sniff her vagina to see if they could smell any odors. She said she “was so busy that [she] didn’t have time to shower.”
She was overheard teller a staffer her “heels are bigger than [their] dicks’ and had ‘bigger balls’ than anyone in the office, the suit states.
Burbacki claims Stolper would yank down her top to show off her breasts and asked other staffers if her plastic surgeon “did a good job.”
“On numerous occasions, [Stolper] grabbed [Burbacki’s ] behind and breasts, or would use her nails to touch [Burbacki’s] crotch and simulate vaginal penetration,’ according to court documents.
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Burbacki also claims Stolper urinated on an assistant and asked her to babysit her daughters while she had sex in another room. She also allegedly bragged about her plans to star her daughter in a pornographic film.
The court papers were filed as part of a counter claim against a lawsuit Stolper filed against Burbacki last May.
Burbacki worked as Stolper’s personal attorney and served as in-house counsel and Chief of Staff for Stolper’s management and production company, titled Wikked, in what now seems like a poor choice of words.
Sometime in early 2016, Burbacki and husband Yonatan Shimrony also began working for Carey.
The way Burbacki describes her cousin, she was a cross between Vladimir Putin, Scarface and Goodfellas. Solper allegedly claimed she had the power to destroy careers in Hollywood.
Stolper allegedly referred to herself as the ‘Russian Dictator’ and took ‘delight in the fact that she could destroy peoples’ lives and careers in Hollywood’, according to court documents.
Burbacki claims her cousin would “talk about idolizing the tactics of Vladimir Putin, Scarface and Goodfellas and talk about her supposed mafia contacts in an effort to intimidate those around her,” according to the Daily Mail.
Stolper, however, pointed the finger at Burbacki.
She alleged in her lawsuit Burbacki bod-mouthed her to people in the business, accused her of stealing from Carey and structuring deals to boost her take of the revenue.
Burbacki allegedly blew the whistle on Stolper, leading her to be fired by Carey in October, 2017. She is suing her cousin for $20 million.
Stolper claimed Carey sexually harassed her and often walked around naked. At the time, Carey was struggling with substance abuse and owed her millions of dollars in unpaid commissions, she alleged in a lawsuit.
The singer, 48, and her former manager settled the sexual harassment lawsuit this past January, according to the New York Post’s Page Six.
“The parties [have] reached a mutually agreed resolution to this matter,” an attorney for Stolper said.
The suit was settled with prejudice, which means the allegations can’t be raised again in court. Each party also agreed to pay their own attorneys’ fees.