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  • Katy Perry throws in a pole dance in her latest video, set in ancient Eygpt.

    Katy Perry throws in a pole dance in her latest video, set in ancient Eygpt.

    Katy Perry must be feeling the heat from rivals. While she’s no Miley Cyrus, she somehow finds a way to pole dance in her sexed up new video for her hit song “Dark Horse.”

    She plays a queen in ancient Egypt, a theme that is drawing some shade for its similarity to Michael Jackson’s 1997 video for his song “Remember the Time.”

    While they are a lot alike, they are different enough to avoid labeling one a rip-off of the other. But Katy, pole dancing in ancient Egypt? You can bet Michael Jackson never touched that one.

    But it’s only a music video, and if Katy wants to pole dance, it’s her fantasy.

    Still, you have to wonder how much she’s feeling pressure from peers like Cyrus, Rihanna, Taylor Momsen, Ke$ha and even Queen Bee Beyonce.

    All have used their sexuality to sell their music–with great success. Katy’s video is tongue-in-cheek cheeky from start to finish, so it’s possible she was goofing on her rivals.

    Check out the video below, and for an extra added measure Michael Jackson’s video is included below as well. Let us know your thoughts and follow TheImproper on Twitter to keep up with the latest music news.