The Collegiate Chorale, led by Maestro James Bagwell in his inaugural concert as The Chorale's newly appointed Music Director, presents "A Jubilant Song," a ce...
Miyako Yoshinaga art prospects presents Joseph Burwell's drawing, painting and sculpture in an installation that mimics the appearance of a "future-day" museum archeological exhibit. For his first New York solo exhibition, Burwell reconstructs an environment based on his former studio, a converted garage in Brooklyn, New York....
New York audiences will get a rare, inside look into the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a new special one-t...
East Winds Ensemble will present a concert of Shakuhachi and Koto music, new compositions and traditional compositions, on Dec. 3rd, 2009 at 8 PM at Symphony Space’s Thalia. Masayo Ishigure and Marco Lienhard have performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden and Hammerstein Ballroom and appeared on numerous TV programs (Regis and Kathie Lee, ESPN, History Channel)....
Title: Think Pink Holiday Expo
Location: Westbury, NY
Description: The Think Pink Expo will feature a holiday shopping extravaganza on Saturday, December 12, 9 ...