Teen pop phenom Justin Bieber had another one of his dreams come true; he met his crush Kim Kardashian at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner in Washington last night (May 1). What about meeting the President? Nah… already done that.
Kim, on the other hand has been one of the objects of his affection. Justin said recently he finds older women attractive, even as old as 40. Kim more than qualifies, she’s 29.
But as for Justin, Kim says, no, no, no!
Kim may be famous for a sex tape and an endless string of bikini photos, but she wisely draws the line on underage sex.
“I think Justin Bieber is adorable, [but] he’s definitely way too young for me,” she told an Australian radio station. “In the States, it’s pretty illegal to go under 18 so I definitely won’t do that.”
Pretty illegal? Would you believe 20 years to life?
Anyway, Kim has her eyes set on another younger man. She’s recently been linked to soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, who is 25.
Justin, however, says he finds older women, even as old as 40! I guess that rules out Jennifer Aniston. She’s 41.
To show his affection for the reality tv star, Bieber posted a photo of himself with a smiling Kardashian on his Twitter account with the caption: Look, it’s my girlfriend Kim Kardashian.
“I think she’s cute,” Justin said recently. “And, no, she’s not too old for me. Above 40 is a little too old for me. I just look for a girl who is funny and has nice eyes and smile.”
(Ed’s Note: Click photo to supersize.)
Meanwhile, Kim was back in a bikini, visiting sister Kourtney in Miami, whee Kourt is filming a reality show.
Kim was recently named to People magazine’s “World’s Most Beautiful People List.”
“I really want to thank People a gain for making this a dream come true for me,” she said. “Kourtney and I used to look through the issue when we were younger and it’s such an honor and really surreal to see myself there.”
Incidentally, Justin made the list too.