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  • rihanna-russian rouletteRihanna’s new album may be titled R Rated but the R&B singer will be putting on a G-rated concert in Abu Dhabi on New Year’s Eve, if she hopes to collect on her six-figure payday.

    The 21-year-old singer, who is famous for her raunchy stage shows and revealing outfits, has been told to dress “conservatively” for the performance at the Emirates Palace, or she could lose out on her $500,000 pay-day for the single concert.

    “Rihanna is tearing her hair out over what to do – she wanted to put on her most eccentric and provocative show yet,” a source told the Daily Mirror newspaper.

    “A huge part of her show is her sexy stage gear. But the dress code in Abu Dhabi does not encourage excessively revealing outfits. The organisers are getting hot under the collar about possible wardrobe choices,” the source said.

    Rihanna and her team are now busy devising a new show complete with modest outfits that won’t show off too much of her body and won’t offend United Arab Emirates residents, who are largely Muslim.

    Since she was assaulted by ex-boyfriend Chris Brown in February on the eve of The Grammys, Rihanna has been mounting a comeback around her new album. She is determined to be sexier and more provocative than ever.

    But the “Russian Roulette” singer is not the only pop star to be told to tone down their stage show.

    Earlier this year, Beyonce Knowles was told she wouldn’t be able to wear any “bootylicious” outfits for her proposed concert in Malaysia in October, which was eventually cancelled.

    In August 2007, Gwen Stefani was also told to cover up for her show in Malaysia.

    The ‘Wind It Up’ singer wore “sober” outfits but called it a “major sacrifice.” She put jackets over her tops and leotards underneath her skirts and dresses, to conform to the guidelines for the concert.

    But for $500,000, Rihanna is more than likely to bend to the will of her host country.