Rapper 50 Cent thought he was onto some new beats to rap against after touring Europe and listening to Euro dance music. But the singer is having second thoughts about incorporating the sound in his new album now that he’s back in the U.S.
His new album, Black Magic, is set to be release later this year. A number of tracks have already been recorded that reflect up-tempo European beats.
But now that he is back in the United States, his thinking about rewriting and re-recording the album as a more traditional rap record.
“I’ve written an album that’s called Black Magic, but I am not sure it will be my next album,” he recently told the Brazil edition of Rolling Stone magazine.
“Since I’ve made it back to America after recording in the U.K. and different territories since I was on the road, I started writing different material that don’t quite fit that concept,” he said.
“Black Magic had a different style to it, a different vibe. I was playing with different song structures, music from different genres,” he adds.
I did some things that were a little dance inspired, the tempo was higher. Just playing with a lot of things. Since I got back, I’ve been writing things that don’t fit that.”
Black Magic was to be the fifth album. Check out his interview: