Iggy Azalea has joined an elite club of stage stumblers, who have all taken a fall while performing. (Photo: Getty)
Iggy Azalea endured another rite of passage on her way to rap stardom. She fell off the stage last Friday during a performance leading up to the MTV Video Music Awards. But don’t call her clumsy. She isn’t the first to take a tumble while performing.
In fact, stage veteran Jennifer Lopez warned her a while back that it was bound to happen.
Iggy recounted a conversation with Lopez when they performed together earlier this year in Chicago.
“We did a show together… And I said, ‘At least I didn’t fall over,'” she told Entertainment Tonight. “And she said, ‘It’ll happen to you one day.'”
“I invited her to watch that show, and I fell off the stage. I was like, ‘You’re bad luck!'” said the Australian rapper, who posted a short video of the fall on her Instagram account.
“Sorry but it would be a crime not to share this with you all, I know I laughed,” she wrote.
But Lopez was right. She’s far from the first to take a pratfall on stage.
Lady Gaga’s fell during a performance in Atlanta in April 2011, but did not seem to be hurt. She quickly recovered and the act went on.
She made another theatrical fall off her piano during a show in Houston, Texas, the same month after the bench slipped out from under her.
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith tumbled from the stage during a concert in Aug. 2010 in Canada–with a little help from axman Joe Perry.
After breaking his shoulder last year in a similar fall, Tyler fell face first into the crowd. Fortunately fans and security were there to break his fall from the six-foot high stage.
Checi out the videos below to see who belongs to the pratfall Hall of Fame and be sure to follow TheImproper on Twitter for the latest music news.