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  • Kanye West, who likes to portray himself as Mr. Sophisticated (he’s a genius don’t ya know) took a pratfall on stage during a concert in Bergen, Norway, and it was no act.

    The 34-year-old hip hop star has a reputation for acting out on stage, sometimes when it isn’t even his (remember Taylor Swift?), but this was pure clumsiness.

    To make matters worse, the scene was captured on video and is going viral on YouTube.

    Seems like many think the flamboyant rapper deserved a little bit of a humbling experience.

    On the plus side, you can’t blame him for his exuberance, and he’s one of a number of stars who have experienced the same thing.

    Lady Gaga fell off her piano during a show.

    Singer Steven Tyler also fell off the stage during a show in Boston, although he was helped by a nice bump from Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry.

    Pretty and almost always poised Shania Twain also took a tumble at the Country Music Awards.

    West, ever the trouper, got up and went on with the show; Check it out below: