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  • bret_michaelsLess than a month after he was rushed to the hospital with a brain hemorrhage, Poison frontman Bret Michaels is talking about returning to the stage to sing, possibly within two weeks.

    Michaels is reportedly stepping up his physical therapy so he can return to the stage by the end of the month, a source told People magazine.

    “He’s still in rehab,” says the source. “His doctor told him to do physical therapy once a day, but he’s doing it twice a day, because he wants a speedy, 100-percent recovery.

    “It’s looking likely that his first date back will be May 28 at the Hard Rock in Mississippi,” says the source.

    Michaels reportedly also wants to be well enough to appear on the May 23 finale of Donald Trump’s show “Celebrity Apprentice,” on which he was a contestant.

    After that, he wants to resume his Roses & Thorns tour, which he was forced to abandon after undergoing a emergency appendectomy on April 12, which was a prelude to his stroke.

    Michaels checked out of hospital in Arizona last month to recover from surgery at home, following the near-fatal brain hemorrhage.

    At the time, he was vowing to sing again with his group next year in time for the band’s 25th anniversary in 2011, according to the band’s drummer Rikki Rockett.

    “We have every intention of doing it. Bret and I, as a matter of fact, talked about it this morning when we were on the phone,” Rockett told talk show host Larry King.

    The Phoenix neurosurgery center admitted him on the morning of April 22 with what doctors described as “incapacitating” head and neck pain, lethargy, disorientation and slurred speech.

    His recovery since then has been remarkable.

    “I really expect that he will fortunately make a 100 percent recovery,” Chief of cerebrovascular surgery, Dr. Joseph Zabramski, told reporters.